How to be an Apostle of Peace

First You Must Find Us

 Though the acts of the clan are known due to the presence of the masked men and women, however, members of this clan are hidden with great and ancient magic. This makes finding a member to ask about joining rather hard, for none in the clan will speak of the group whilst out of garb. Several rumors of how to find a way into this family flow through the realm, but when questioning a disguised member they will all state the same thing;  “Find your way to the place of Peace upon the coldest hour. If you are truly at peace you shall be guided to us.“  What this refers to is quite unknown, and perhaps it is meant to be that way…In rare circumstances, an Apostle will reach out to one whom has been seen acting in the ways of balance and Peace. Though this is nearly unheard of, it has been rumored...

Then You Must Meet Us 

Once granted an audience with the Apostles, you must state your case and explain why it is you are a creature of peace. The Chiefs of Peace will then speak with you to see if you are worthy of joining. This process might take several days due to the depth taken to ensure peace is kept within the ranks.

Then You Must Be Trained

 At this point, you are accepted into the clan as a new member in need of learning the way of Peace. All whom you see shall be masked and speak not of who resides behind the disguise. Payment for this service will be required, but it is only a small step to gaining your place among them.

Then You Are One With Us

It is at this point that you give your life to the way of Peace. A final ritual will determine your place amongst the members. Duties will be placed upon you as well as your mask will be given. The location of the clan’s home will also be granted to the member at this time, showing that trust has finally been earned through the way of learning Peace. 

What All This Means OOCLY

There are many ways you can ICLY know that we exist. You could have seen us while we were out on one of our missions. Perhaps you heard a rumor of masked men and woman doing strange things in the land, resulting in a balanced outcome. However, the best way to join us, is to simply request on the tavern board that you seek to help balance the land of Hollow. our "Seeker" will then find you and the processes above begins.